ILL instructions
The Inter-Library Loan (ILL) plugin allows users to send a loan request for an unavailable item to their library so that it can make a manual request.
To allow access to Koha Plugins from the OPAC, you need to add the following line to your koha-httpd.conf file, under the OPAC section.
Once the plugin has been installed via the Koha web interface, and you’ve edited the koha-httpd.conf file, you’ll need to restart your web server (“service apache2 reload”). Afterwards, running the plugin once from the ‘Plugins’ page of the Koha staff interface will inject the plugin into the ‘Tools’ page, and the user’s OPAC page.
User request page
The user can follow the requests’ progress. The status is available from the user’s OPAC page.

User page to make requests

Admin page to manage requests
This page can be found in the ‘Tools’ page of the staff interface.