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Required modifications to hide a record

1. System preferences check
2. MARC frameworks edit
3. Record edit

System preferences check

1. Go to Administration › System preferences
2. Search : « OpacSuppression »

3. Click on « Hide » in the first box.

4. Click on « Save all Cataloguing preferences »

MARC frameworks edit

These modifications consist of adding a “YES/NO” menu in the (942n) tag, so you can easily select « YES » if you want to hide a record. It is important to edit the (942n) tag of each MARC framework saved in Koha.

The selection menu options are defined by the “YES_NO” authorized values, an authorized values category which is already programmed in your system.

If you are creating a new MARC framework, don’t forget to add this feature in the (942n) tag.

To add a « YES_NO » menu to a MARC framework

1. Go to: Administration › MARC framework
2. Select the MARC framework
3. Click on « Actions»
4. Select « MARC Structure»
5. Search the [ tag: 942 ]
6. On the tag 942 line, Click on « Actions »
7. Find the subfield n  Select « subfield »
8. Find the [ subfield n ]
9. On the subfield n line, click on « Edit »

10. Select « Other options »

11. In the « Authorize value » menu, choose the « YES_NO » list.

12. Click on « Save changes »

13. Check the 942 MARC subfield structure, under the « subfield : n » line, « Auth value: YES_NO » should display.

For more information on how to create a list of authorized values, see:


Edit the record

To hide the record

1. Go to the record to hide.
2. Click on « Edit »
3. Select « Edit record »
4. Search « tag: 942 »
5. In the [ subfield: n ], select: « YES »

6. Click on « Save »

7. In the OPAC:  refresh the web page and search for the hidden item. It should no longer appear in the result.

To unmask the record

1. Go to the record
2. Select « Edit record »
3. Search the [ tag: 942 ]
4. Under the [ subfield: n ], click on the « X » to clear the text box.

The text box 942n should remain empty in order to keep the record visible in the OPAC.

5. Click on « Save »

6. In the OPAC, refresh the web page and search the unmasked record. The record should re-appear in the result of the search.

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