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Koha can charge a rental fee when checking out items. There are two options:

  • Charge a single fee for the rental (2$ for a DVD, for example)
  • Charge a fee based on the length of the loan (2$ per day for a 7-day loan will total to 14$)

Charge a single fee

The rental fees are defined by item type.

  1. Go to Administration > Item types.
  2. Click “New item type” to create a new item type OR Click the “Edit” button next to the item type to change.
  3. Enter the amount in the “Rental charge” field.
  4. Click “Save changes”

This amount will be charged to the patron’s account upon checkout and upon renewals.

For example, a patron takes out two DVDs with a rental fee of 1$. At the checkout, 1$ per item (a total of 2$) will be added to their account.

Charge a fee based on the length of the loan

The rental fees are defined by item type.

  1. Go to Administration > Item types.
  2. Click “New item type” to create a new item type OR Click the “Edit” button next to the item type to change.
  3. Enter the rental fee in the “Daily rental charge” field for daily loans OR in the ” Hourly rental charge” field for hourly loans.
  4. Click “Save changes”

This amount will be multiplied by the number of days (or hours) and will be charged to the patron’s account upon checkout and upon renewal.

For example, a patron takes out a DVD that has a daily rental fee of 1$. The loan is for 7 days. Upon checkout, 7$ will be charged to their account.

See also

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