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On occasion, you may face special circumstances which prompt you to batch change item ‘due dates’.

For example, one of your teachers has reached the renewal limit and she still needs the 50 manuals borrowed on her card. Other situations may lead to unexpected library closure (power outage, flood, or any emergencies).

Therefore, a simple batch change of items ‘due dates’ can avoid unnecessary fines to your patrons.

Install the inLibro ChangeDueDate plugin

To download the plugin, please refer to:

Add the plugin to Koha:

Go to Tools › Plugins

Click on “Upload”

Search for the plugin file

The file should be stored in the “Download” folder on your computer.

Click on “Upload plugin”

Before using the plugin, you must enable the plugin first.

To enable the plugin:
Tool > Plugin
On the plugin, click on “Action” and select “Enable.”

Due date modifications

To use the ChangeDue Date plugin
Click on “Action” and select “Run tool”


Fill in the form:


Category of borrower : select the borrower category
List of item types : select the item type (optional)
Borrower number : add a borrower number range (optional)

Choose one of these 2 options:
Expected return date : add a specific date or a time period (when items are due)
Checkout date : add a specific date or a time period (when items were borrowed)

New return date : enter the new due date


Click on “Change” to apply modifications

See also

How to install a Koha plugin

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