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Material needed

  • Computer dedicated to self checkout
  • Barcode scanner
  • Receipt printer (optional)

Create a “self checkout” patron

You must create a patron to connect to the self checkout interface.

  1. If needed, create a new patron category (optional)
  2. Go to Patrons > New patron and add a new patron *Note the userid and password
  3. In the patron’s file, go to More > Set permissions
  4. Check the permission “Perform self checkout at the OPAC. It should be used for the patron matching the AutoSelfCheckID (self_checkout_module)
  1. Click on “Save”

Set up system preferences

  1. Go to Administration > System preferences > Circulation > Self check-out module
  2. Set up system preferences as follows
    • AutoSelfCheckAllowed : Allow
    • AutoSelfCheckID : userid of the patron created previously
    • AutoSelfCheckPass : password of the patron created previously
    • SelfCheckoutByLogin : choose the login method for patrons (“userid and password” or “cardumber”).
    • WebBasedSelfCheck : Enable
  3. Click “Save all Circulation preferences”

Customize the interface (optional)

  1. Go to Administration > System preferences > Circulation > Self check-out module
  2. You can use the following system preferences to add custom text or customize the self checkout interface appearance or behaviour.
    • SCOMainUserBlock : This preference lets you add text (or HTML code) in the middle of the main screen, under the login box.
    • SCOUserCSS : This preference lets you add CSS code that will be applied to the self checkout interface.
    • SCOUserJS : This preference lets you add JavaScript that will be applied to the self checkout interface.
    • SelfCheckHelpMessage : This preference lets you add text (or HTML code) in the help page.
    • SelfCheckReceiptPrompt : If you don’t have a receipt printer attached to the computer used for self checkout, disable this system preference.
    • ShowPatronImageInWebBasedSelfCheck : If you store patron pictures, you can have them display in the patron file in the self checkout interface.
  3. Click “Save all Circulation preferences”

Set up the self checkout computer

  1. On a computer that will be used as the self checkout kiosque, open a Web browser.
  2. Go to the following address: https://<Your OPAC URL>/cgi-bin/koha/sco/sco-main.pl

Important: Remplace the section <Your OPAC URL> with the URL for your OPAC.

If your OPAC has the URL


The address for the self checkout interface will be

  1. Add the address to the bookmarks (optional)

Use the self checkout interface


  1. On the self checkout computer, the patron must log in either with their userid and password, or with their card number (depending on the SelfCheckoutByLogin system preference).
  2. The patron can scan the item’s barcode in the box
  1. Once all the barcode have been scanned, click “Finish”

Note: If the patron doesn’t click on “Finish”, they will be logged out after 2 minutes of inactivity, or the duration in seconds set in the SelfCheckTimeout system preference.


  1. On the self checkout computer, the patron must log in either with their userid and password, or with their card number (depending on the SelfCheckoutByLogin system preference).
  2. If the patron has the item they want to renew, they can scan the barcode in the box.
  3. A message will appear and they must click on “Renew item”
  1. If the patron doesn’t have the item with them, they can click on “Renew item” on the right in the list of checkouts.
  1. Once all the transactions are completed, click on “Finish”

Note: If the patron doesn’t click on “Finish”, they will be logged out after 2 minutes of inactivity, or the duration in seconds set in the SelfCheckTimeout system preference.

See also

Koha community resources

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