Change a user’s password

Change a password from the staff interface Sometimes, a user can ask you to change their password, or you may have to change a password that you were assigned. In the patron’s file, click on “Change password” Write the new password twice, once in...

Change column configuration in loans table

The loans table in a user’s file is too cluttered for you? Here’s how to configure which columns are shown to suit your needs. Configure default columns Go to Administration > Configure columns Click on “Circulation” Scroll down to the table...

Allow hold request on specific item (from a user account)

You can decide if library users are allowed to place hold on a specific item by simply editing the «item level holds» value in the circulation rules. 1. Go to Administration > Circulation and fine rules 2. Edit each item types and patron categories whom are allowed...

Lost and paid items in the checkout list

Frequently Asked Question: “Lost and paid item seems to stay in the library user checkout list. How to remove the item from the checkout list?” When an item is marked as lost, you can choose which action can automatically return the item and removed it...

Create a report: Prêt Numérique item with «In transit» status

This report will generate the current list of electronic items with the status «In transit». Then, manually check in each item to change the status to «Available». 1 Go to > Reports 2. Click on « + Create from SQL » 3. Fill in the form 4. Copy the following text:...