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Cataloguing can sometimes be repetitive. If you always enter the same values in a MARC field, it can be useful to set that value as the default value in the cataloguing framework. This way, the field will be pre-filled in new records.

In this example, we will add values for the “text” content type in field 336.

  • subfield 2: rdacontent
  • subfield a: text
  • subfield b: txt
  1. Go to Administration > MARC bibliographic framework
  2. Click on Actions > MARC structure next to the framework to modify
MARC frameworks table, the Actions button for the default framework is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the option MARC structure
  1. Search for the field to modify, 336 in the example
MARC fields table for the default framework, the mouse cursor is in the search box where 336 is entered. The table is filtered to show only the 336 field.
  1. Click on Actions > Edit subfields
MARC fields table for the default framework, the Actions button next to the 336 field is clicked and the mouse cursor is on the Edit subfields option.
  1. Click on the tab for the subfield to modify, subfield 2 in the example
  2. In the Advanced constraints section, add the value in the Default value field, rdacontent in the example
Screenshot showing the settings for subfield 2 of field 336, rdacontent is set as the default value
  1. Do steps 5 and 6 again, for all subfields to be modified
  2. Click on Save changes

Now, when you catalog a new record, these fields will be pre-filled with the default values, but you will be able to change them if they are not appropriate for the item in question.

Screenshot showing field 336 filled with values rdacontent (subfield 2), texte (subfield a), and txt (subfield b)

Codes can be used in the Default value field to input variables.

  • <<MM>> current month, 2 digits
  • <<DD>> current date, 2 digits
  • <<YYYY>> current year, 4 digits
  • <<USER>> the logged-in user’s userid.

For example, the code <<YYYY>>-<<MM>>-<<DD>> as default value will be replaced by today’s date 2024-05-17 in the record.


By default, default values in the cataloguing framework are used only when creating new records (original cataloging). To use default values in other contexts (such as z39.50 import), you must change the ApplyFrameworkDefaults system preference.

See also

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